What We Do

The Cesar Chavez Foundation is committed to serving the long-term needs of Latinos and working families, and we are able to do this because we are self-sustainable—a value driven by Cesar Chavez himself, whose life’s work was to encourage self-sustainability in individuals and communities. We raise funds through several social enterprises, which simultaneously provide crucial services to our target communities.

Cesar’s legacy around self-sustainability is imbued in the entire organization: our leaders and staff see themselves as social entrepreneurs invested in providing crucial and transformative community services while remaining sustainable, strategic and fiscally responsible.

Currently, our key areas of focus are housing and economic development, education, multimedia communications, and preserving Cesar’s legacy. 

While these key areas make up our current focus, in the spirit of Cesar, we are always looking to the future and to increase our project reach in order to better serve our expanding community.

My father always spoke about perseverance, self-sustainability, and every human’s ability to be self-taught. These are my own core values, and ones that continue to drive this organization. Everyone has the inherent ability to pursue and realize their dreams.

– Paul Chavez, Chairman of the Board, Cesar Chavez Foundation