Chavez Media

Chavez Media reaches millions of people across multiple touchpoints, engaging a multi-generational, multi-cultural audience. With diverse online and broadcast content, high-energy events, and targeted multimedia marketing services, our efforts expand and solidify our global reach, powered by a commitment to entertain and educate audiences. 

Chavez Media owns and operates Spanish- and English-language broadcast and digital radio stations across California, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. Its flagship program, Radio Campesina, was founded by Cesar Chavez in 1983 as a way to both entertain and instill a sense of community for Latinos and working families. Radio remains a powerful medium for sharing information across communities and inspiring engaging conversations. 

The Chavez Radio Group has Spanish and English-language stations across California, Arizona and Nevada. It’s flagship program, Radio Campesina, was founded by Cesar Chavez in 1983 as a way to both entertain and instill a sense of community for Latinos and working families. Radio remains a powerful medium for sharing information across communities and inspiring engaging conversations.

While Chavez Media aims to entertain and educate, we also promote individual and community action. Cesar Chavez believed that community service is the only way to achieve lasting, transformational positive change. Chavez Media’s abiding mission is to promote Cesar’s legacy by motivating people to use the resources available to them and be active participants in shaping their own lives and communities. 

Highlights from our work:

  • One million+ English- and Spanish-language radio listeners in rural and urban areas 
  • Owns 14 stations and operates 11 of them across four states 
  • On average, it reaches 7.5 million unique audience members monthly across a multitude of platforms 

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